Crispy Fried Chicken Skins

Crispy Fried Chicken Skins

We had some skins left over from our Chicken Thighs recipe so we made some crispy snacks..! And it's real easy to do as shown here.
Fried Chicken Skins
For this fried chicken skin recipe you need the following ingredients: Chicken Thighs or chicken pieces to harvest the skin from. The Honey Chicken thigh vid we did last week is here: Fried Chicken thighs Salt Garlic Paprika Cooking oil
Lay the chicken skins flat on a paper towel and pad them dry, add a good sprinkling of salt to draw out some more of the moisture, a lot of the salt will fry off once it hits the hot oil. Sprinkle on the paprika and set aside while the oil heats up. heat the oil to around 350 f and cook until crispy